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B ইউনিট || 2015

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To break butterfly on the wheel
To discharge cannon to kill mosquitoes
charging cannon to kill mosquitoes
To shoot cannonballs to kill mosquitoes
To fire up cannons to annihilate mosquitoes
a noun
a adverb
a preposition
an adjective
a conjunction
If I were a doctor , I treated the patients free of cost
If I were a doctor , I would treat the patients free of cost
If I were a doctor , I would have treated the patients free of cost
If I were a doctor , I shall treat the patients free of cost
If I were a doctor , I treated the patents free of cost
proper nouns
abstract nouns
relative nouns
countable nouns
common nouns
makes achemical reaction happen faster
makes a chemical reaction happening faster
makes a chemical reaction happened faster
makes a chemical reaction will happen faster
makes a chemical reaction would happen faster
converts light and produces electricity
converted light and produced electricity
converts lighting and produces electricity
converting light and producing electricity
conversion of light and producing electricity

